As anyone who's been paying any attention to their surroundings in the past few weeks can tell you, the inauguration was a heroic victory for all things that are blue. Being frozen for the better part of a day is generally a negative experience, but somehow a million-something of my closest friends managed to overlook our poor decisions and convince ourselves that it was all worthwhile. And it was. And though
the actual crowd count may forever remain a mystery, the mass of humanity that filled the mall and seemed to stretch on for eternity was a daunting sight, to say the least. True to my nature, of course, I managed to convince myself that bringing my camera would be a bad idea only to change my mind mere minutes after paying my bus fare, and so I've failed once again to expand this 'hobby' of mine.
Now that I'm back, though, it has come to my attention that my 'photography, writing, and tech blog' has transitioned into a 'political zombie blog,' which is an angle I might pursue as I have resumed work on my Left 4 Dead campaign. With the Beta 0.5 release in two days, I've been hard at work hammering out some of the finer details that I've previously neglected. More on this soon.
Also deserving an honourable mention is the town of Zebulon in North Carolina, because never before have I been so convinced that a small town is inhabited by a race of highly advanced extraterrestrial beings.
Photo actually taken by someone else, in Georgia. Who'd have thought there was more than one?Now if only I could have seen Jesse Jackson's face when Obama
stepped out of his limo...
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